Chloe Mcgee Chloe Mcgee

Everything: A Photo Series Capturing the queer Tattoo Scene in Montreal

The remnants of a project I began last March depicting DIY tattoo artists residing in Montreal, Canada. Spending time with nine artists in their studios – sometimes shared with other tattooers, other times in their own homes – I documented their process, their space, and their connection to the art form.

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Molly Chamberlain Molly Chamberlain

Your Key Into the World of Ecology: Homestones

Blends of abrasive noises, animatronic performers, and mysterious producers juxtaposed with everyday inspiration are nothing out of the ordinary for the Philadelphia-based audio project, Ecology: Homestones (E:HS). The eccentricity I viewed in one of E:HS’ 15-second Tiktoks threw me into a spiral of curiosity and the need to know everything about the performance and project behind it.

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Culture, Philosophy Nick Portello Culture, Philosophy Nick Portello

getting naked in london for body confidence

Not many people can say that they have interacted with Charli XCX. Even fewer people can say that the British pop powerhouse may have seen their genitalia. I moved to London as a twenty year-old wide-eyed queer boy who dreamed of taking the city by storm. New and friendless in the Big Smoke, I downloaded Tinder and got to work.

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Culture Shannon Padilla Culture Shannon Padilla

Onism: Make Sense of the Desire to be Everywhere

Have you ever looked up at the constellations or into the windows on a skyscraper and wondered, What is going on up there? How many moments are happening around me? This yearning to know what’s going on across the hall, down the street, or in the plane flying above my head leaves me craving to experience everything there is in the world all at once. Here is where “onism” and its almost fateful definition met me.

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Katherine Rubinstein Katherine Rubinstein

control in chaos: my realizations after the college process

I am a good student. I will get into all of my schools. I am a good person. I am deserving of happiness. These were my affirmations last fall. I’d write them obsessively in my notebooks and recite them to my walls (when I remembered to). My affirmations were my form of self-respect; I held on to them and hoped that some shooting star and a red robin would fly across whatever magical sky that clouded my perception of truth.

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Culture Liliana Kinnan Culture Liliana Kinnan

Media Consumption…As a Goal?

You are a measly serf living in feudal Europe who briskly walks to the gathering in the village's central dirt patch. Your heart is racing because tonight is THE night; you get to stand in a large crowd and strain your eyes and ears to experience the entertainment of medieval theatre! Oh, what a joyous day this is! Entertainment this good only comes by a few times a year!

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Culture Campbell Mattus Culture Campbell Mattus

Love–Bombing: the outcome of a decline in Meaningful Romance

The stage of our lives by which we are expected to be married is approaching – and all too quickly. For some of us, a clock that urges us to find our soulmates is incessantly ticking. With such pressure – whether it comes from general society, our family members, or those around us in long-term relationships – many young adults find themselves participating in what has recently been coined “love-bombing.”

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Culture Ellie Goetz Culture Ellie Goetz

The Photo Booth

Photo booths have always been popular and I like to think that they always will be. The charm of a photo booth lies in the instantaneous aspect of capturing a cute moment and the production of a wholesome collection of pictures. With there being a multitude of hidden gems around NYC, my friend Caroline and I recently sought to find the perfect photo-booth photo-op.

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