Issue 7
Grace Livecchi Grace Livecchi

Issue 7

Issue seven: Romanticism was an artistic movement of the late 18th century, inspired by intuition and emotion. It was the rebellion of the heart over the head, a rejection of the Enlightenment, which focused on reason, order, and rational thinking. Instead, Romanticism valued creativity and deep feeling as paths to truth and authenticity. Issue Seven revisits these ideas, as they relate to the modern individual. Exploring themes of the inner child, the natural world, and personal expression, we hope Issue Seven will set your heart on fire.

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Grace Livecchi Grace Livecchi


Our past ideas can be divided into three categories: those that are outdated, those that are timeless and never change, and those that are inspiring and can be incorporated into our future. Entering a new year does not require leaving the past behind, rather, making a new meaning of it. Issue 5 explores classic and timeless ideas with elegance and innovation; we guarantee you, this issue will never go out of style.

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Fall Grace Livecchi Fall Grace Livecchi


Living in a world ruled by social media and AI, our individuality and personal agency are on shaky ground. Issue Four, “The Agency Issue,” discusses how to navigate our relationships with ourselves, our own personal style, and others in a digitized world. Written from Gen Z for Gen Z, Issue Four captures our most current thoughts and fascinations.

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issue 3
Grace Livecchi Grace Livecchi

issue 3

Issue three explores the surge of creativity that arises during the summer months as individuals enjoy more leisure time. "The summer scene" captures a fusion of diverse perspectives on summertime experiences, particularly in New York and Los Angeles. This issue encompasses experimental art, harmony with nature, and moments of introspection.

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issue 2
Fashion, Features, Culture Grace Livecchi Fashion, Features, Culture Grace Livecchi

issue 2

As humans, one part of us seeks security and prudence, while another part of us craves adventure and variety. Issue two: wild explores the beautifully dangerous paradox of all that is wild. Dissect your mind and share your personal interpretations to

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